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SAF Approved expiry dates extended by 3 months

After careful consideration we have taken the decision to extend the SAF Approved expiry date by 3 months for all companies whose status expires between 1 March to 31 May. The objective here is to ensure that the efforts staff have gone through to attain SAF Approved status are not impacted by current events that are out of the control of SAF Expert users.

Following the closure of motor retailers a couple of weeks ago your firm will no doubt be prioritising continuity plans and doing what it can to support employees and industry partners through the crisis.

We have been approached by some dealer groups and lenders to ask if we are putting in place any temporary measures with regards to SAF Expert and SAF Approved, particularly when many of those that take the SAF Expert test might not be in a position to do so.

After careful consideration we have taken the decision to extend the SAF Approved expiry date by 3 months for all companies whose status expires between 1 March to 31 May. The objective here is to ensure that the efforts  staff have gone through to attain SAF Approved status are not impacted by current events that are out of the control of SAF Expert users.

We will of course keep this under review, given the duration of the crisis remains unknown, with a view to ensuring that those firms that were SAF Approved before the crisis continue to be when their business reopens.